

Lebensfreude  ist das subjektive Empfinden der Freude am eigenen Leben.(Wikipedia)
Lebensfreude  Freude am Leben, Daseinsfreude (Duden)
Über genau diese Freude, unsere Freude am Leben werden wir in diesem Blog berichten.

Christiane bloggt über
Freude am älter werden und - sein
Freude an Kindern und Enkeln
 Freude an Mode für Ü50 jährige
 Freude an jedem neuen Tag
Freude auf alles was noch kommen wird

Sophia bloggt über

Freude an meinem Sohn
Freuden (Sorgen) als alleinerziehende Mama
Freude am Studium
Freude an Mode und Style
Freude an jedem neuen Tag
Freude auf alles, was noch kommen wird

Joie de vivre


Joie de vivre- a French phrase often used in English to express a cheerful enjoyment of life; an exultation of spirit. (Wikipedia)


The joy of living. That’s exactly what we want to share with you on this blog. The ups and downs, throwbacks and opportunities,  we experience while living each and every day to its fullest.


Christiane will blog about:

·         The joys of aging gracefully

·         The joys of rasing children and grandchildren

·         The joys of mature fashion

·         The joys brought by each new day

·         The joys of what is yet to come our way


Sophia will blog about:

·         The joys of raising a son

·         The worries joys of being a single mom

·         The joys of going to college

·         The joys of fashion and style

·         The joys of brand-new days

·         The joys of what is yet to be experienced